Computer Science and Technology
Computer Programming
Course ID: 6640.2P
Credit(s): 1
Grade level(s): 9-12
Prerequisite(s): None
This course is designed to develop the students’ understanding of computer technology, equipment, operating methods, and appropriate vocabulary of the computer system cybersecurity using programming languages. Emphasis will be placed on programming design by analysis, coding, and documentation of the problems as encountered in mathematics, science, and business applications. This class is a preparatory class for AP Computer Science.
Cybersecurity I
Course ID: 6302
Credit(s): 1
Grade level(s): 9-12
Prerequisite(s): None
Cybersecurity affects every individual, organization, and nation. This course focuses on the evolving and all-pervasive technological environment with an emphasis on securing personal and organizational information. Students will be introduced to the principles of cybersecurity, explore emerging technologies, examine threats and protective measures, and investigate the diverse high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand career opportunities in the field of cybersecurity.
Course ID: 3185
Credit(s): 1W
Grade level(s): 10-12
Prerequisite(s): Pre-AP Computer Programming or permission of instructor
The major emphasis is on programming methodology, algorithms, and data structures. Applications of computing provide the context in which these subjects are treated. Applications are used to develop student awareness of the need for particular algorithms and data structures, as well as to provide topics for programming assignments to which students can apply their knowledge. A particular programming language constitutes the vehicle for implementing computer-based solutions to particular problems. Treatments of computer systems and the social implications of computing are integrated into the course and not isolated as separate units. School(s) offering course: All HS